GrowthAid in its core mandate to help provide clean water to under-served communities and help eradicate NTDs was pleased to have Robert Bruh from the MEDICOR Foundation for a delightful due diligence exercise. As at 2020, Ghana recorded 16.1% and 15% coverage of safely managed water and sanitation respectfully and a 55.8% and 2.4% of basic water and sanitation services respectfully.

The target of the SDG goal 6 of achieving a universal coverage by 2030 requires a quadrupling of current rates of progress in safely managed drinking water, safely managed sanitation, and basic hygiene. GrowthAid as a well dedicated NGO to help achieve the SDG goal 6 of universal coverage by 2030 is committed to securing more funding to support in the delivery of WASH services to under-served communities in Ghana. It is in this view that GrowthAid submitted a proposal to MEDICOR foundation to solicit for funds in the delivery of more WASH services in rural communities in Ghana. The due diligence happened on the 26th January 2022 at GrowthAid’s Head office at Tema.

April 4, 2022