GrowthAid is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization which exists to provide development support and direct services to organizations and communities to improve the situation of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and contribute towards the elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Since Established in 2002, GrowthAid has been committed to making a lasting impact in these areas.
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At GrowthAid, we contribute to contribute in transforming the lives of the poor and marginalized; we do this by collaborating with other organizations to provide essential services and build capacities for poverty reduction initiatives.
Growing up as a child, through being a teacher, Lecturer to a development practitioner, serving God has been at the heart of Joe Lambongang. He has always believed and understood that to serve God is to serve others. Being called by God, therefore, should not be left to Pastors, Missionaries, and Imams. Whoever we are, wherever we are, we can all do something that makes a difference in the lives of others and hence glorify God.
Manya Sani Project
In January 2021, GrowthAid received funding from Australian High Commission to support the provision of improved toilet facilities and safe water to St. Peters Primary and Junior High School at Somanya. The school is part of the Manya Sani Project which is made up of five deprived schools in the three Manya Krobo Districts in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The project involved the drilling, installing, and mechanizing of a borehole to provide safe water to almost one thousand school children and their teachers
The Sustainable Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project (sWASH), funded by Latter-day Saints Charities (Sep 2021 – Aug 2022), focused on partnerships, capacity building, sustainability, hygiene behavior change, and safe water access. Through this initiative, over 24,800 marginalized people in 20 communities and institutions across Lower Manya Krobo, Yilo Krobo, and Upper Manya Krobo received improved WASH services to help prevent and manage neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)